1971年旅游促进局着手进行「苏杭花园」计划,拟将双林寺辟为旅游胜地; 其后于天王殿前端建造了水池、石桥和石山,并命名为「双林花园」. 建佛
塔之事因此停了下来。1972年初隆根法师闭关三年圆满,为此举行出关仪式。年中举办「双林寺美化与建设」座谈会,文化界、艺术界人士都受邀参加。 1974年旅游促进局举办「双林花园」落成开幕典礼。
1975年谈禅和尚接任第十三任住持。 印尼棉兰关帝庙住持成雄和尚,双林寺信托委员之一, 见法堂墙瓦脱落,恐怕殿宇坍塌,慷慨支付重建法堂和增建地下层普同塔的建筑费,希望保留法堂原有风貌,以便昌隆正法。
Let’s celebrate 30 years of ‘The Nara Document of Authenticity’ together!
Join us at the National Archives Singapore (Oldham Theatre) for a special event celebrating “The Nara Document of Authenticity (1994)” turning 30! This in-person symposium will feature speakers from Singapore, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, and the Philippines, highlighting the importance of this influential document in the field of architectural conservation. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn, connect, and celebrate with fellow enthusiasts!
The Nara Document has been instrumental in addressing the need for a broader understanding of cultural diversity and heritage. It expanded the 1964 Charter of Venice concept of respecting original material, thereby emphasising the retention of material fabric in its original state. The Nara Document’s “authenticity judgements … may include form and design, materials and substance, use and function, traditions and techniques, location and setting, and spirit and feeling, and other internal and external factors. The use of these sources permits [the] elaboration of the specific artistic, historic, social, and scientific dimensions of the cultural heritage being examined.”
Thirty years have passed since 1994. The world’s resources are getting scarce. With the challenges of the loss of certain materials (e.g. large-size timber), changes to use and function, declining craftsmanship, as well as changes to the setting, do we prioritise form and design and allow materials to be changed in an attempt to retain the spirit and feeling? Or are these futile efforts? How do we view authenticity?
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