1954年谈禅法师任监院。 1957年间,30多位本地诗人为纪念屈原二千三百年纪念,连同两位来自香港的诗人,在端午节举行「诗人节雅集」并以积极的态度筹组新加坡「新社」,藉以作为「以文会友、以友辅仁」。
1969年双林寺庆创建71年。年初灵峰般若讲堂监院隆根长老在此闭关,并由双林寺信托委员兼监院谈禅法师与永禅法师护送入关。同年新马佛教团体联合举办「越南华宗佛教长老证凉老和尚追悼大会」, 于9月21日在双林寺举行。 出席的教内四众与社会人甚众,包括世界佛教僧伽联合会代表白圣法师、新加坡佛教总会代表宏船法师、马来西亚佛教代表本道法师、中华民国佛教代表演培法师、越南华宗佛教代表寿冶法师、香港佛教僧伽联合会代表优曇法师、柬埔寨中华佛教代表法亮法师、新加坡僧伽联合会代表广义法师。
此外,广洽法师、常凯法师、妙灯法师、青凯法师等也都出席,追悼戒德庄严的佛门耆宿。 双林寺常住本着证公生平为法为人、救世利生之怀,将四众同仁香仪充作慈善用途, 悉数捐献新马7个赠医施药团体。
Let’s celebrate 30 years of ‘The Nara Document of Authenticity’ together!
Join us at the National Archives Singapore (Oldham Theatre) for a special event celebrating “The Nara Document of Authenticity (1994)” turning 30! This in-person symposium will feature speakers from Singapore, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, and the Philippines, highlighting the importance of this influential document in the field of architectural conservation. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn, connect, and celebrate with fellow enthusiasts!
The Nara Document has been instrumental in addressing the need for a broader understanding of cultural diversity and heritage. It expanded the 1964 Charter of Venice concept of respecting original material, thereby emphasising the retention of material fabric in its original state. The Nara Document’s “authenticity judgements … may include form and design, materials and substance, use and function, traditions and techniques, location and setting, and spirit and feeling, and other internal and external factors. The use of these sources permits [the] elaboration of the specific artistic, historic, social, and scientific dimensions of the cultural heritage being examined.”
Thirty years have passed since 1994. The world’s resources are getting scarce. With the challenges of the loss of certain materials (e.g. large-size timber), changes to use and function, declining craftsmanship, as well as changes to the setting, do we prioritise form and design and allow materials to be changed in an attempt to retain the spirit and feeling? Or are these futile efforts? How do we view authenticity?
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